supplementary notes

for my benefit

Friday, March 02, 2007

⇒ more job hunting

(break: w16d1-->days on break: 113)

I haven't got the job just yet, but I haven't lost it either. I won't sit on my ass waiting for something to happen. I'm gonna keep looking for other opportunities. Last nite, a jackass bloodsucker tried me. Damn fool! I smoosh you! Dn-dn-dn-another one bites the dust! Dn-dn-dn-another one bites the dust!

last nite after golfin, Franky taught me how to play a new game. But it seems I taught him a lesson in humiliation! mwahahahahha!

tonite me and big Thoe goin squashin in merrylands. Heeya!

Hilarious Married with...Children cuts

HDTV explained | next-gen konsole komparison. mortal kombat! | spike jonze ads | Ji Han Jae. 10th dan hapkido badass | Whang In-Sik. Master Kam | intergalactic space | tipjets | ramjets | Garuda | Outer space-proper definition including height zones | Akira Kurosawa | Altered Beast rocked my 7 year old world! | Von Neumann probe | Technological singularity | Relativity of simultaneity | Dyson sphere | Project Daedalus | Project Orion | Project Longshot | Bracewell probe | Posthumanity | Matrioshka brain | Sentience Quotient. Like IQs, EQs, now 'SQ's | They're made out of meat by | Terry Bisson | list of Apex Predators | Barnard's star | Beryllium | Specific impulse | Spacecraft propulsion | Interstellar ark | Eschatology | Doomsday clock |

AFTRS full-time courses | more full-time courses | design courses | cinematography courses | directing courses |

webcomic time!

God bless Video Game cats, Penny Arcade and dueling analogs!

emulation for Macs | FAQS: sonic 2 | sonic 1 | sonic 3 | sonic and knuckles

Donnie Darko is really something...the philosophy of time travel | Cellar Door | Deus ex machina | Porco Rosso. Porco Rosso's here for good measure--it is one of my favorite films of all time.

If you tied buttered toast to the back of a cat and dropped it from a height, what would happen?

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

⇒ first official degree-related interview!

(break: w15d7-->days on break: 112)

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I had my first official degree-related interview today! I was so nervous and scared. Last nite I barely got any sleep because of nerves (I was informed that there would be a test), a mozzie (lil bastard got me 3 times!) and an upset stomach (still upset now).

Anyhoo, I think the interview went well (but you never can tell). It lasted for 1.5 hours which surprised me, because I thought I'd be in and out of there in 30' (15' test, 15' interview), but the test lasted about 35' and interview for ~55'. I don't know if the interviewer was being polite or genuinely impressed but my test result and previous projects seemed to get a good reaction.

Could this be the opportunity for me?

Goin to golf later today, maybe that will settle my stomach.

Stomach ok now. Went golfin and turned in an overall average day. Terrible day with the irons (tried 6 and 9) but pretty good day with the wood (i don't know it's rating). I hit 150s pretty often but I'm starting to doubt whether I've ever made 200 meters. Also the range looks like 2/3 or 1/2 of the distance it claims (i.e. 100m looks more like 60m). Still, if it sez 150m and my ball plonks down next to the sign, I guess I made 150 then. I shanked/sliced the ball alot though.

I think technical knowledge of the game will improve my swing:
Golf | Golf equipment | Glossary

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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

⇒ membership expired

(break: w15d6-->days on break: 111)

I didn't go gymmin or swimmin today. I thought that today was my last day but as it turns out, it was yesterday (bullsh!t!!!) Anyhoo, I was barred from exercising and walked away, un-exercised. Oh well, just stay off the sugar, junk food and fat and i'll be mostly ok...

Today I also went to USYD's o-week, mostly to keep my bro company. Sumthin was up his arse today so he wasn't much fun. Also it was the sticky-hot kind of weather (my enemy!) so I was pretty irked. I joined a few clubs just to get the ball rolling for my bro (if you ask me, he should be a heck of a lot more social, particularly since he's in B. Science). I missed out on some free drinks and bbq but it was just too damn hot to stand in line. Only one familiar face the whole day. I guess it really is time for me to move on.

Went to archy for a bit to print some stuff (for my interview tomoz). I don't expect to get it, but I gotta try. Nothing else really happening with me at the moment. Just job hunting and getting overwhelmed by it (there are too many jobsites to search--but that's a good thing, if I didn't have any chance, I'd really start to sweat!).

Careers carnivale | Grad recruitment programs |

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

⇒ learning and earning

(break: w15d5-->days on break: 110)

gymmed. swimmed. didn't keep track of it really. I'm worried that I may have reached the satisfaction barrier wherein I'm overall too happy about my physical appearance to continue exercising. shite. Anyhoo, I'll try to push on for the sake of fitness. I don't feel the drive/fire to lift more or run faster, do an extra get the idea.

Applied a couple of jobs today. Unlikely that I'll get them but hey, you never never know, if you never never apply.

financing postgraduate studies | why postgrad | graduate statistics | self-employment | Design Institute of Australia | public service jobs | CREATE Australia | Freelance Factory | Careers fair | Graphic design: where to find work | Graphic design: where to find work |

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⇒ wocky!

saw Rocky Balboa today. Not a bad movie but it didn't get me pumped the way Rocky IV did. It's more along the lines of Rocky (part one) than anything else. I noticed they toned down the sound of the punches to make the fighting less comical (?). I dunno, I miss the superhuman Rocky of Rocky III and Rocky IV.

Stallone kind of reminds me of Frankenstein's monster: lumpy, muscular, strange mottled skin and slurred speech. It's true, he is in amazing shape (not just for his age, but for any age) but he just didn't bring it this time (for me anyway). Still, the boxing scenes were much more realistic than any Rocky movie before it.

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Monday, February 26, 2007

⇒ still no running!

(break: w15d4-->days on break: 109)

no running today, the cold weather and pain in my calf just aren't adding up. I did do cycling for a bit though (totalled 18km in about 30'). Didn't really keep track of any gym or swim progress today, I felt really sluggish from all the meat i consumed on the weekend (chicken, bacon, pork, sausages, kebabs, steak, what-not).

On the job front, I know I'm ready. I want it. I want it now and I want it bad. I guess after dicking around for 5 years, I finally pulled my head out of my ass. It's my belief that you're never too late, just better off early. So I'll try to catch up but at the same time I'll try not to over-exert myself.

On the subject of my sibling, the deception has been uncovered. I may not have studied psych but I don't need to have studied it to know the why of it all. This person thinks they're being so slick yet they make themselves seem incredibly stupid (despite their numerous academic accolades) when they think they have cleanly deceived us. Well, my parents may be fooled but the extended family knows. What treachery is this? To have such dishonor, were this another place, another era, I might be prompted to reclaim our honor. Such an insult. Does my extended family smile at us because they genuinely like us or because they are laughing in our faces at our supposed ignorance? Why would you entrust distant family who dishonored our father for years? Why? Why have you done this? As a result of your treachery and dishonor, I have put certain plans in motion which will in time sever all ties with you. I did not do this to you, you did this to us. In time, you and I will be nothing, not family, not even strangers, and should our paths cross, I would smite you if you were to even consider trying to explain your insolent self. Why and how could you have done this? Loneliness is no excuse, I have been alone for years, yet I have not flouted dishonor in the faces of my strongest allies. I may never forgive or forget this. And to think of all the time and effort I wasted defending your honor, your name and even your image all these years. You may never appear the same in my eyes again. Who are you? I don't know you. And I knew long ago, if we weren't related, I wouldn't even look at a person like you. Am I being clear enough? You did this. You destroyed yourself. We tried and tried to tell you and intervene but your stuborness, naivety and weak will has destroyed you. Too easily influenced by those who can profit from your downfall, you have brought this on yourself. I will no longer be standing in your corner, once our business has concluded, I may never contact you of my own volition. Perhaps then you may know a fraction of the pain your arrogance has caused. Currently, I believe myself to be the only one who knows, and since these are happier times, I will not speak out just yet. You may learn your place just yet.

But break my heart, for I must hold my tongue.

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⇒ viet bbq!

(break: w15d3-->days on break: 108)

went to my uncle's (Dad's oldest brother's) bbq yesty arvo. Smoky, meaty, alot of ppl and crazy talk thrown around. All in all, not too bad, but methinks i ate waaaaaay too much. Alot of sugary/alcoholic drink options and not enough neutrals, such as water.

Afterwards we went to 3 more cousins places;

1. my Dad's cousins (a bit of a Hong-ky vibe in a townhouse but a cool heavy bag, speedbag and other bag setup)

2. my Dad's niece#6 (slick 2 story crib with redone interior and balcony)

3. my Dad's niece#7 (a place my mum called 'dream home', which is not an exaggeration, it really is crazy nice, like the kind of place Oprah would profile if she was doing a show on awesome aussie homes with pretty much every detail well thought out).

after that my family decided enough! we rolled back to our hole in the ground, but i tells ya, it's only a matter of months before we have our vengeance! mwahaahahahahahah!

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