supplementary notes

for my benefit

Saturday, May 10, 2008

⇒ highpoint

good week at work, good things happening overall, dull moments steadily declining.
I think this is the high I've been waiting for/deserved. Try to stay focused and fly higher.

gym summary:
5km run in 37'45" (new record)
20' ride
totalled 504 KCALs (380 run, 124 ride)
btw, ran so hard I almost threw up after. I'm on track for a 7' per km average (it's about 7'45" right now).

did about 10 sets of weights

Vo's law of health and success still holds true: the healthier I am, the more successful I become.

24 visits left

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Thursday, May 08, 2008

⇒ irony, double up

went to Theo's academic prize ceremony today. Straight from work to USYD.
Pros: Bro won award, fast moving ceremony, food and (alcoholic) beverage 'closing ceremony'
Cons: lack of passion and creativity in speech-making zzzzzzzzz

So we got home and I open my letter from USYD--I'm expecting a bill or some student financial statement, but to my surprise I'm going to receive an award!!! There's a full ceremony and everything.

Here's the irony: we just got home from the exact same shindig for science faculty
Here's the double irony: the entire 6 and a bit years I wallow at uni, I get nothing. The very moment I dropout, they throw me an award!

Well I guess I've really made my point now (about work, uni, intelligence, success):
I'm not unemployed, an idiot or a loser. In your face anyone who doubted me!

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Monday, May 05, 2008

⇒ PwC, IBM

went to final stage of PwC's corporate shenanigans today (final stage before the offer). Okay, the gloating over the whole 'impressed' and 'whoah, I got through' thing has been buzz-killed. Seems pretty much everyone at the group interview stage got through, and that was really just sort a test to see if you're a total f#ck up or not. Gdamn PwC! You sprung a test on me! And an interview. A grilling, long ass interview where a smug prick made ooh-ing and ahh-ing noises. You know what? I'm done with PwC. Thanks, but no thanks. I think I've made my point and proven myself. I don't need to go any further with this. For the record, C*'s a fox!.

On the other hand, we have IBM, whom I wasn't originally interested in progressing further with--now I'm getting more interested. We'll see what happens.

I think I like the idea of working for a large, menacing corporate f#cker like PwC in the CBD, rockin' a suit everyday, boardroom meetings, corporate culture and associated social functions, etc., but not the work itself. Ooh, accounting (no offense, accountants). I like everything about the job/surrounding the job, except the job itself (far as I can tell). That's probably why I'm so drawn to IBM now.

Still yet to hear from Aristocrat. They better act quick--I'm going off the market pretty soon...

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Sunday, May 04, 2008

⇒ consistency and progress

Let the record reflect that Andrew defeated Willie in Poker and took money off him (amongst others) totalling $80. Go Andrew.

Went to MCA, not too bad...some interesting pieces but overall I thought her critique of consumerism was nothing special. Some of the methods/individual sections were interesting though.

Made it to the gym after. Ran better than other days overall (20' session) but my legs hurt before starting to run so I see it as good progress. The first section I ran 800m, then walked abit, then did the second section almost as good as the first. Totalled 2km in 13' (and walked the remaining 7'). That I figure is about as good as I've ever run. I felt pretty comfortable running the first section too. Factors possibly affecting perf:low hydration before, alcohol in body, ongoing sore legs, cold but sunny weather.

Rode the bike for 20' on level 8. Total cardio-KCALs: ~250.

Anyhoo, tried something new with the weights:
8 x 55kg bench, followed by
8 x 50kg bench, followed by
12 x 40kg bench.
later 20 x 40kg bench.
that totals: 2120kg

Didn't swim because the weather is cold. It looks sunny but it's cold. Risk to health, etc...I think I'll switch my exercise plan a bit: 2 bike sessions (2x20', level 10 and level 8), high reps of weights (main focus to areas other than chest), and try to go earlier in the day, say 10am.

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⇒ louie's bbq

was gonna go to MCA exhibit and gym today but Louie pulled a flash-bbq. Anyhoo, with short notice, I found out he's going overseas again. Also comes from one of the nicest families I've ever met. Now he'll be working in France for Interpol, CSI-style. Yeah, pretty cool. All the best, mate.

Later in the day I bumped into Jen and Zhen. Good people. Very likeable. Still good people and still very likeable. Cheers, mates.

