⇒ long weekend: day1
short sentences mode: ON
past week: semi-shocking resignation (boss)
shitty weather (all week)
thai food, chicken, pizza, chips and all that bad stuff (so tasty)
awkward moments with super-fine (dammit!)
yesterday = day zero
bought books and dvds (lots and lots)
today gym. short but hard
excellent weather (sunny, no rain, moderate winds)
bench 8*60, 12*40, 8*60 (getting better)
run: 5km in 38'20" (first 8 minutes of run felt GREAT)
about 370KCALs total
other weights, stretch, swim (noble duck in pool)
city kinokuniya (return some books)
Labels: 5k, books, dvd, fast food, gym, summary, weather