supplementary notes

for my benefit

Saturday, May 16, 2009

⇒ more misc catchup

via ExtraLife:

Awesome caricatures

Some amazing sand sculptures.

amazing beat box girl

at first i thought this looked a bit katamari-ripoff-ish (it is Namco's), but the video won me over. No doubts about which country this game hails from. Me want!

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⇒ burst mode: misc

Sensitive Object's Anywhere MultiTouch extends touch sensitivity to the whole device

Carnegie Mellon morphs 'pop-up buttons' onto multi-touch display

Inventors develop transistor to change color of any surface, your face notwithstanding

GE microholographic storage promises cheap 500GB discs, Blu-ray and DVD compatibility

Scientists create walking goo


take a comic book panel and blend system stats into text bubbles, adding a useful touch to a really fun desktop

JavaScript rockstar
Can also be found by going to jQuery homepage and entering the Konami cheat code: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Enter

Vangelis' music projects

Tetris: the Grand Master: notes, thoughts and strategies

cracked's The Top 8 ‘Oh Shit!’ Moments from Mixed Martial Arts

make pong in flash:
method #1

method #2

flash breakout tutorial

Apple tips:
Burning a disk image file on a CD or DVD in Mac OS X

About "You need to restart your computer" (kernel panic) messages

Mac Pro: Power consumption and thermal output (BTU) information

Lock Your Data with Disk Images

article perfectly captures the zeitgeist of the new Capt. Kirk
That said, I still liked the movie.

Apple release 10.5.7 update

what a trillion looks like

WtF?!?! Amazing yoga ball trick!

great writeup of federer and nadal
I liked the bit about the RPM on their respective topspins (Nadal: 3200, Federer: 2500).

wiki Nettop

PS3 slim spyshots?

intel fined $billions in anti-trust case

above: US pole dancing championship. What?!? I'm admiring the athleticism and artistry of their carefully choreographed moves, jeez!

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⇒ burst mode: engadget, et al

DIY coilgun gives clever hobbyists the risk of permanent injury

Dell's $299 Mini 10v netbook spotted, SSD options added

V. tempting

Heat2power sucks on exhaust gases for extra mileage

Ha! I knew I wasn't crazy! I thought about harnessing heat for energy ages ago but nobody thought it was possible...well I wasn't the only one who believed!

Z Corp's 3D printers available to Hawaiian school students, the wealthy

Students create CRT emulator, hope to recapture that analog gaming vibe of yesteryear

World's fastest camera manipulates supercontinuum laser pulses, moonlights at the Hacienda

Ciclotte exercise bike for the big wheel enthusiast

Paper Flexpeaker could change the way you perceive posters

Redrock Micro Hybrid Cinema Rigs turn DSLRs into filmmakers

Transparent OLED rearview mirror both dazzles and distracts

Chrysler's Peapod EV lets iPod double as ignition key

Philips' OLED Lumiblade showcased in variety of shapes, sizes, and colors this month in Milan

New cooling material keeps heat down in densely packed electronics

Robotic hand controlled by compressed air grasps the concept of delicacy

Iri5’s Ghost in the Machine Series

Students build 3D computer interface using copper, felt, and lots of moxie

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⇒ burst mode: technabob

technabob catchup:

pmpin’: anything but ipod’s mp3 player buyer’s guide

water clock tells time using dishes, magnets and h2o

xcm rumble joystick gives ps3 arcade gaming a serious shake-up

make people sweat i will: yoda dj shirt

electronic power lock pick gun: the modern locksmith’s favorite weapon

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