supplementary notes

for my benefit

Friday, August 21, 2009

⇒ refreshing

game factories (no, these are not real):

3D dot game heroes:

see! that's what i like, creativity! Take something old and do something new with it! Rebel! Instead of super-realism, why not super-unrealism?

I just hope there's decent gameplay under that pretty shell * final fantasy *

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⇒ unacceptable

more than 1 in 2 xbox360s FAIL
click through for deluge of comments like "failure rate should be about 100%", etc, etc. (I'm paraphrasing). However this comment perfectly sums up my sentiments and reasons why I avoid xbox360:
"Sweatshopsammy @ Aug 17th 2009 8:09PM
I'll be the first one to say it:

what the fuck is wrong with you people? why are you taking this abuse of such shitty hardware? now its not to attack this comment specifically but if one was to read further into this comment thread the comments are fucking ridiculous. why are you proud you're on you're 3rd or 4th xbox 360? why arent you up in arms demanding a better product?

now i'm not saying everyone should dump their xboxs in favour of wii's or ps3's but for gods sake get angry! make microsoft know you won't take this bullshit. you're just giving them the excuse to release shitty pieces of equipment knowing full well every person with $200 - $300 bucks to spend will just scoop it up just becuase it plays "teh haloz"

xbox 360 has been out for how many years? not to mention the the speed of which modern technology develops, this shit shouldve been taken care of a year after the problems started but 54%? all that time and its still 54%?

why isn't there more outcry from the consumer?

all i hear is "lulz im on my 3rd 360" "im going to buy a 2nd one next month" are you serious? you bought a whole new 360, no discount or reparation from a company that knew it sold you a product with a 50% failure rate, is doing little to rectify the situation and you still handed a wad of fucking cash to them?

I will never understand the mindset of the modern consumer
fucking ridiculous"

The only games i want to play on that system are Gears of War 1 & 2, otherwise the failure rate and poor design decisions/corporate greed keep me away from the system.

Every single system I've ever owned has worked from day one till now. My Sega Master System 2 (with built-in Alex Kidd) still works, and this is 20+ years later, after 3 toddlers grew up playing it from day one!

All the systems of this generation are kind of 'meh' to me. Technically, we still haven't bought into one. Our PS3 came free with the TV. My dad was bent on getting a Sony Bravia so I took advantage of getting a console with it. We mostly use it to play DVDs and our single Blu-Ray movie (the Dark Knight).

That's another thing about Blu-Ray and why it sucks ballz: it's prohibitive. Only one system, attached with one HDMI cable to one HDTV can watch Blu-Ray, while every computer/dvd player in the house attached to any other screen/TV can playback DVDs.

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⇒ Greatest Sprinter Ever?

Usain Bolt: World and Olympic champion/record-holder in 100m and 200m sprints breaks both records:
the 100m record is now 9.58s (previously 9.69s - his own record)
the 200m record is now 19.19s (previously 19.30s - his own record)

also triple Olympic Gold medallist, 2009 Laureus World Sportsman of the Year.

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⇒ reasons to avoid social networking fads

Facebook sued
"lawsuit filed on Monday in a southern California court accuses Facebook of being a data-mining operation that does not deliver on promises to give users strict control of data uploaded to profile pages"

Twitter fluff
'"pass-along value" - messages that are being "re-tweeted" or passed on by users to their followers - accounted for 174 messages, or 8.70 per cent'

both were also recently crashed in a hack-attack

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⇒ courtesy of MAKE

Hellraiser Le Merchant box:

DIY Inclinometer:

It measures the inclination using water

Mercury fountain:

quicksilver fascinates me

Beetle shell ceiling:

take a closer look

Amputee Elephant:

one of my favorite sea creatures, in Lego form: Nautilus

Paper carving:

Detonography: Sculpting metal with explosives

"a technique for embossing thick metal plates by blasting them onto a mold with sheets of plastic explosive"

Pitch drop experiment:

need to know: bitumen, started in 1927, eight years for the first drop, about one every 11 years = eight to date

DIY trebuchet bundle:

Willow architecture:

Python in a browser

3D etch a sketch:

NY sand table challenge:

Infernal machine art:

Rare lumber

printing in stainless steel

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⇒ Inside Steve Jobs' pad (not really)

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⇒ It lives! PS3 slim

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⇒ workflow wallpapers

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⇒ Camera stuff

10 extreme cameras:

I like the hi-speed cam
also, this giant cam attachment:

Leica a la carte

numerous customisation choices to make result in 4000 possible combinations.

Nikon projector-camera:

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⇒ web technical


MAMP: Mac, Apache, MySQL, Perl/PHP. Personally, I learnt the LAMP architecture


3p6alpha: to be faster, better, rander gradients in code

Wordpress PHP hierarchy

shorten your URLs

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the font, not the soup

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

⇒ Space: ultra deep field

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

⇒ Motion sculptures:

source: MAKE

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