supplementary notes

for my benefit

Thursday, September 24, 2009

⇒ everyday

Just watched The Simpsons' Eternal Moonshine of the Spotless Mind, which featured a surprisingly moving parody of an art video that 'til now I've been unaware of, Everyday Noah. Below is the Simpsons' version, followed by the original (13,000,000+ views to date):

Learn more about Noah Kalina's photog project here:

I think the beautiful piano music really made the piece(s) for me. Perfectly sums up my fugue and/or existentialism.

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⇒ flash games

Vector Tower Defense

This thing is flash game I've played since Auditorium

relatedly: Gratuitous Space battles looks a winner

Fig. 8:

browser game which reminds me of what I used to do in boring classes-trace lines between text. Music reminds me of Death at a Funeral

play it, it's simple & fun

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⇒ HAL exoskeleton inches closer

It will be available soon enough. I know I've posted about this before but I love that promo shot above. It's so dynamic, what with the blue glowing accents and clean white design, and the I-just-did-something-impossible pose

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⇒ classic tennis moment

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⇒ Ping Pong fighter

yeah, pretty good, but nunchuk ping pong has been done before, and with (fake) Bruce Lee, no less

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⇒ crane construction

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⇒ umbrella weaps

“Men are not gentle, friendly creatures wishing for love, who simply defend themselves if they are attacked, but that a powerful measure of desire for aggression has to be reckoned as part of their instinctual endowment.”

man, if this and the unbreakable umbrella got together, you might really have something.

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⇒ Airless

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⇒ mac code

useful script to find what's the holdup:



dr=($(drutil status | grep -i 'type:'))
device=($(mount | grep ${dr[3]}))
if [ $devtype = "No" ]
then echo No disk found. Sorry! >&2
exit 1;
echo A $devtype is mounted on the device named $device
pids=($(sudo -p 'Please enter the administrator password:' lsof -t $device))
echo \nList of programs that may be preventing the disk to eject
ps -o pid,user,comm=COMMAND -www -p $(echo ${pids[*]} | sed 's/ /,/g')

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⇒ robo footpath

if they make these 20 times faster and 10 times larger, you might really have something.

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

⇒ apocalypse

strange day in sydney: a dust storm blankets the city in a red haze, no joke.

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