supplementary notes

for my benefit

Friday, December 19, 2008

⇒ 3 months: over

somehow miscalculated several aspects of my 3-month gym membership:
1. the finish date: I thought I had 2 more days left...guess again
2. the cost: could've sworn it was $180, but on paper it says $160
3. the illness streak: I was sick for 3 weeks during this 3 month period...what a waste. I could've gone about 10 times during those 3 weeks.

3.28 KM in 22'15" and 240+ KCALs
18x50, 8x60, 13x40, 5x40 = 2100 (new record?)

visits since 21st sept '08: 43
#visits per mth: 14 | 12 | 17
3 mth ave: 14.33
ave cost per visit: $3.72
(note: I've been mistakenly(?) setting the numerator to 180, hence dramatic average drop when I use 160)

gym membership days remaining: 0
year 2008 days remaining: 11
days til christmas: 5



Thursday, December 18, 2008

⇒ didn't have it

i tried running today, but didn't have it. I don't know if it was the heat, the stress, the week, the lifestyle, the diet, the hours, the will...just don't know, but I didn't have it. Salvaged the run with a sprint at the end.

2.79 km in 20'00" and 200+ KCALs

24x40, 16x40 = 1600

visits since 21st sept '08: 42
#visits per mth: 14 | 12 | 16
3 mth ave: 14
ave cost per visit: $4.29

gym membership days remaining: 3
year 2008 days remaining: 12
days til christmas: 6



⇒ geek christmas

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⇒ weekly #37

marginalized: treat (a person, group or concept) as insignificant or peripheral.
That's the word describing how I feel the new management here has treated me.,,5016109,00.html

Mac OS X hints:
download 720p videos from YouTube | Player icons | Install some programs without using installers | Retrieve the raw mixdown file from GarageBand | Use a custom video converter for iMovie HD projects

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

⇒ searing hot weather

it was so hot today, i was flattened by the ambient temperature--it read 27° C but was more like the high 30s...this must be what an oven feels like...killed my run.

2.85 KM in 20'00" and 215 KCALs
The last 0.85 came in about 4'00"...I just had to go crazy to get the average on par.

bench 18x50 = 900

Mostly, running is really tough for me. Shins always hurt, I feel bloated, crampy, stiff or dehydrated. Or some combination of all. But I'm starting to feel even worse if I don't run. In fact, all the times outside of the run (before the run, after the run) I feel even better. The goal was to originally get back down to 70kg, but with my current diet and daily routine, I don't think that's possible. The way I used to live then (flush my system with water, wait for 2-3 hours, gym for 1-2 hours, each time running 5.0KM in 30° C heat, coming home and resting up, doing it repeatedly for 6-8 weeks) and the way I live now (work all day, quick gym session, irregular sleep) are markedly different. Noticeably, my benching has improved--certain muscle groups are much stronger than before, but at the same time, my curling has plummeted. That wrist injury years ago really messed me up.

visits since 21st sept '08: 41
#visits per mth: 14 | 12 | 15
3 mth ave: 13.66
ave cost per visit: $4.39

gym membership days remaining: 4
year 2008 days remaining: 13
days til christmas: 7

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⇒ catchup

Aviary roundup:

Raven fun games | Raven in action (vid embedded below) | Mona Lisa by other artists

How to draw awesome-r | What do you pay for?. summary: convenience, quality, additional functionality, customization & privacy. All valid points | one-step drawing guide

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⇒ paper win!

Papercraft life-size Link's hat PLUS hair! Best. thing. EVAR?!?!

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⇒ M A K E pretty

cardboard_slices_of_millenium_falco | will_these_vehicles_run_a_puzzle_fr | 100_off_bug_labs_bugbase_units | electronic_wallpaper | plushie_an_interactive_design_syste |

Chiaroscuro case mod is so purdy

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

⇒ no run

gymmed today and as promised yesterday, I didn't run. The reason behind the layoff is that these are the final gym days and I'm expecting to go everyday until the end.

Without the running, I just didn't feel right.

11x60, 16x50 = 1460

visits since 21st sept '08: 40
#visits per mth: 14 | 12 | 14
3 mth ave: 13.33
ave cost per visit: $4.50

gym membership days remaining: 5
year 2008 days remaining: 14
days til christmas: 8



⇒ strange things from superpunch

shaq-lebron-dwight-howard-in-dance-off | beastie-boys-poster-by-eric-tan-link | 720-dunk | custom-tentacled-converse-all-stars | craig-ferguson-humiliates-nbc-exec-ben | galactus-by-adam-koford | hierarchy-of-beards-poster | laughing-squid-poster-set | 30-ways-to-die-of-electrocution

About the economic recession:
"In the middle of this decade, then-revered Federal Reserve chief Alan Greenspan believed that information technology had transformed the very nature of recession. Just-in-time inventory, supply-chain dashboards, and an army of permalancers made adapting to changing business conditions so easy, so quick, that old-school recessions, defined by two consecutive quarters of economic shrinkage, would be a thing of the past. Instead, we would experience a series of microrecessions — a down month here or there, followed by upticks — all happening so quickly we barely felt the prick."

pre-modern sci-fi covers

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That's it, I've had enough. Since I'm the only person in the workplace doing what I do, what is this 'assistant' sh!t? I'm dropping that from my sig right now.

*I'm the man now, Dawg!

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⇒ products | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

some of these should induce a buying frenzy!

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⇒ tech+gaming+geek news roundup:

i ♥ katamari, so logically i'm looking forward to the next thing from creator Keita Takahashi, Noby Noby Boy. And Katamari's on iPhone!

TicTacToe in LBP:

New Wolverine movie teaser out:

actually looks kinda watchable. I just hope it's not dogsh!t like X3. Still not crazy about:, Gambit, wirework, name of movie, small-ish looking final battle.
Why: If you're a successful musician, stay in that profession; looks nothing like the ladykillin' ragin' cajun we all ♥; I love wirework, but from what I've seen, it's not sharp enough to overcome the 'floaty' feel; why not just call it 'Wolverine'? The action (again from what little I've seen) seems smaller and less crazy than his X2 throw-down with Deathstrike.
like: Dog Logan goin' to War(s), Sabretooth's last line.
Huge Jackman looks bigger, beefer than and real-er than 'Incredible' Hulk!

zomg, I'm a nerd! Boing!

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Monday, December 15, 2008

⇒ productive

driving is the way to go. This public transport crap, while good in nature, wastes over an extra hour of my day, everyday. Driving today cut my travel time in half! I did everything I needed to do and did it 30' earlier than usual.

2.95KM in 20'00", 224 KCALs
decent run, felt a little 'heavy'--might've been the big lunch I had.
10x60, 18x50.
Saving it...still got the rest of the week to go.

visits since 21st sept '08: 39
#visits per mth: 14 | 12 | 13
3 mth ave: 13
ave cost per visit: $4.62

gym membership days remaining: 6
year 2008 days remaining: 15
days til christmas: 9

game of the year lists:
according to spike
Is Time even relevant anymore?

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⇒ bored at work

maybe i should try harder at work...or get a better job.

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Sunday, December 14, 2008

⇒ workout sick

exercised til i felt sick...which was right after my run. Felt all crampy through it too...I think it was due to lunch...yeah, too much lunch too soon.

3.0KM in 21'00"
220 KCALs

was doing good but ended up crampy...
No bench, some asshole was hogging the action and I didn't wanna wait.
There is a new gym girl!

visits since 21st sept '08: 38
#visits per mth: 14 | 12 | 12
3 mth ave: 12.66
ave cost per visit: $4.74

gym membership days remaining: 7
year 2008 days remaining: 16
days til christmas: 10

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⇒ final days

as the year draws to a close, let me reflect on my 'growth' (sounds like an unwanted sore on my back):
  • Exercised with some regularity...I'm in better physical condition than this time last year (MUCH better) but still 5kg over the year before that.

  • trying to take care of my parents, yet I can barely take care of myself

  • nothin goin on here

  • I both want and decry this loneliness

  • ok, not true...someone may have infatuated me...but she's very unobtainable

  • i love all women, you know that...

  • I won an academic award this year. My first was in 2nd grade (school's honour board), my last before this one was in 2001. Feels good.

  • career continually stalled...I've got too much dignity and pride to rollover and take it from a$$hole superiors that I work with. Don't get me wrong, I can take direction from leaders but these people do not have my respect. I need to move on to better ventures, pursue those creative side-projects I've been putting off--they could translate into money down the line.

  • hungry, unfulfilled and questioning. I often ask myself how, and why? No answers

  • I care less and less about social mores and obligations. What for?

  • my bestie and i pretty much went our separate ways--was bound to happen. I never thought that it would happen but we suddenly became aware of each others' grating qualities and stubbornness; there was a period of about 6 weeks where we didn't talk--whatevs...

cyclically, this was a 'good' year, and 2009 is due to be a fall from grace for me (oh no!). See:
96 97 98 - relatively good year, tough times as a teenager, triumphant return
99 00 01 - relatively good year, gentle fall, triumphant return
02 03 04 - relatively good year, terrible fall, triumphant return
05 06 07 - good year, terrible year, triumphant rise
08 09 10 - good (enough) year (felt rough, though), ??, ??

I need to break the cycle and keep all the coming years 'good' ones.

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