⇒ general Web knowledge:
Jon Dee Launches Paper-Less Alliance
Google Wave - what is it?
At a fundamental level, Wave is an open protocol specification. The idea is that, as with email, a variety of companies will develop competing clients (eg. Outlook, Hotmail, Mail.app, Thunderbird) and servers (eg. Exchange, Postfix, Courier) based on the Wave specification.
On a more practical level Wave is email, real-time chat and collaborative content editing & versioning rolled into one. It allows for multiple people to communicate in real time using text and rich content, while retaining the full history of the conversation and the ability to browse backwards and forwards through this history.
Wave also incorporates a framework for developers to create gadgets (client side mini-apps that run within a wave) and robots (server side applications that interact with waves in various ways).
Guess I better learn the API sooner or later...
A list apart:
content templates | RDFa intro pt1 | RDFa intro pt.2 --> basically metadata
Campaign Monitor:
campaign monitor in 30 seconds | How to add a newsletter signup form to your Facebook fan page | How Performative Web uses our API to build and send dynamic emails | Automatically manage templates via the API | New SOAP-based Ruby Gem available for the API
Google Analytics:
Google analytics API updates | Back to Basics: Free Google Analytics Tools
some good do's and don'ts of email marketing
Mac OS hints:
customise Safari's RSS | Enable the Debug menu in Safari 4 | Solve an apparent 'stuck Safari' crash without losing work
Labels: campaign monitor, google, useful