supplementary notes

for my benefit

Saturday, August 23, 2008

⇒ starred items

just a few things from my g-reader which may or may not find more use/practicality in at-a-glance list form:

  • audio over powerline here

  • Art Lebedev Folderix Flash drives here

  • PS3 wireless keypad here. Will someone please pho'shop up a gonad resembling keypad onto the 'banana' controller?

  • Eyepet. It's like Augmented reality, I suppose

  • Discussion about less obvious perks of piracy here

  • Big-ass MS Surface Coffee Table(?) computer unboxed

  • Lacklustre launch? Hire the buzz. Orange did. See here

  • Sony, Toshiba lazy with LCD production here

  • CG breakthroughs here. Still a bit spotty. I think it's the eyes and mouth--they're not quite right. Furthermore, I think the animated-ness of the character is a bit excessive.

  • Robotic Arm

  • Yet another useless Wii accessoryhere

  • Mashade

  • Criterion Collection uses PS3 as benchmark. Story here

  • Crappy iPhone camera attachement here

  • Solar tie. Yup.

  • Gamers are better surgeons. But are surgeons better gamers?

One last thing: finally figured out what makes Cillian Murphy and that guy (Thomas Schiff aka Ofc. Rachel Dawes in TDK) so creepy: the skin on their face. It looks like the skin is one size too small for their faces, and is thus too tight. Add to that, the clarity of their skin--nary a blemish nor a wrinkle in sight, and you've got a creepy villain in a Nolan movie.

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Friday, August 22, 2008

⇒ harsh times

the last 2 weeks at work have been a major kick in the gonads. WTF???!??! Work was pretty sweet and now all of a sudden I'm staying back late and shit? Get the fuck outta here!

I'm performing waaaaay beyond my pay grade and I'm contracted (as in binding legal document agreed to between 2 parties), yes, contracted to 4:30pm only. I understand that if once in a blue moon I gotta get something done, I'm going to have to stay back, but these 6pm finishes are ridiculous, especially since I'm not being renumerated for it! I don't give a shit if you finish regularly later than me. You and I do different jobs--mine finished at 4:30pm, dick.

And another thing, make up your mind before you keep nit-picking my sanity away with 30+ revisions. FUCK, MAN! I'm a nice guy (I think so) but don't abuse the nice-ness! I got a dark streak too, and he's like that black fellow who lays mushroom clouds.

Positive: I'm a gddmn hero at work though...kept my cool, and rose to the challenge (fuck you bitch!).

On a lighter note:

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

⇒ mens 200m sprint

Usain Bolt FTW!

Bolt ran the whole distance this time and left the field 10m behind as he crossed the finish in a new world record time of 19.30s!

notes on the race:

  • Bolt is a fun kind of guy--you can't help get swept up in his tomfoolery (posing) and boogeying-down after winning.

  • Walter Dix reminds me of Lil' Jon

  • Shane Crawford is f#cking huge!. How does someone that bulky run that fast?

  • spare a thought for Spearmon, who was disqualied for taking one half-step out of his lane

Also watched the 110m hurdles semis. Dayron Robles (sp?) is a pimp. He's the favourite and all, but how many athletes can run like him while passing for H&R Block's finest? Add to that the enormous gold cross which threatens to impale him through the throat should he fall...

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Monday, August 18, 2008

⇒ burned

an old (financial) wound was opened up today (thanks, DAD!).

Basically, he asked if I'd chip in, and I'm all like, 'yo, sure, but you gotta gimme time to save up n shit...I got other goals to accomplish first'...and he was all jokingly pressuring me to pay him back. So it was a joke but I think from my escalating tone of voice he should have taken me more seriously...

That shit hurts, man. When people keep spending your money and you have to keep putting off your plans for them. I mean it's not like I can say 'no', is it?

What really burns me, grinds my teeth, is that 4500 over 3 years at an average of 6% is close to $800. That really pisses me off. You go and fucken borrow that chunk of money from a bank and see how pleasant they are about getting paid back. And that was casual job money! Do you have any idea how hard it is to knock back going out just to save up hard earned Coles/Aus Post/Myer dough just so someone else could fritter it away? Why did I even bother to save? FUCK!

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⇒ gym yesterday and today

worked up some spirit to haul ass to the gym yesterday and today! I didn't go hard or anything, but considering the lay-off period, work diet, weather and other extenuating factors, I think I did alright.

Mostly benched and spent 20' on the treadmill (both days). Racked up 2.5km minimum on treadmill in that time.

By the way, made home in time to grab gear and go gymming because I left work on the dot and did not miss my train or bus.

And one last thing: the weather came down around 7pm, but I, being of fleet foot (sometimes) beat its ass. No cold wind, no rain for me! Suck it up, clouds!



Sunday, August 17, 2008


collection of odd things or things which grabbed my attention on

interactive art exhibition where you can sample the 'art':

crayon physics:
and here:

jason markk premium sneaker cleaner solution:

usb fridge/heater:

R2D2 soy sauce bottle:

"Kalinka" (the Tetris song)

other uses for radiators/heaters:

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⇒ mens 100m sprint

watched Usain Bolt and Asafa Powell line up for the mens 100m sprint gold medal race.
Bolt is very relaxed, posing, a bit of showboating and generally not showing too much concern. Powell is very reserved, possibly feeling some pressure to perform.

10 seconds later: the race is over! ZOMGWTFBBQ?!?!? Bolt destroyed the field! He outran the entire field in just 60m and carried on at to take gold in 9.69s! A new world record--and he watched himself do it!

More showboating, posing, boogie-ing and good times...Only this time, I'm with the dude, he earned it! Seriously, the most impressive 100m win I've ever seen--and it wasn't his full capacity, either!

[update] this is yahoo's footnote about Bolt:
Bolt hasn’t reached his prime, he’s routing people in what he considers his second-best event, and he practically jogged to the finish to win the biggest race in the most prestigious track meet of all

from here

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