supplementary notes

for my benefit

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

⇒ site edits

changes made to the style sheet (at long last!). I'll get around to fixing the rest of it up (invisible text, text-sizes, layout, links, borders, etc) someday



⇒ stuff from w23d2

check out the dual banners on this page:

KIT3D: sort of an advanced version of papervision and coverflow...very pretty.

And here's Yahoo's BOSS (Build your own search service). Could be a worthwhile thing to learn.

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⇒ yesterday's run

brrr...blistering kind of cold yesterday. Ran anyways because I guessed (correctly) that gym girl would be there (y-yae!)

Didn't do well tho, too many ppl cramping my style--and long ass wait for biotch-jackass to do barbell reps not on the bench press bench.

Anyway, tried to go hard (gym girl might be watching!) and managed 2km in 13', onto 2.99km in 20'. Pretty good, but still not good enough.

I got what, 4 goes left?

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⇒ blogging from work!

don't fire me, man! noo..... ha jks...,26058,24274464-5012957,00.html,26058,24298096-5014090,00.html,23599,24292833-13762,00.html

There is a reason why almost every game on the market allows us to kill many, many living things. We humans have a primal urge to kill because, thanks to natural selection, all the homo sapiens who didn't have a primal urge to kill, were themselves killed.

Why He's Awesome:
Teddy Roosevelt is pretty much the manliest creature to have ever existed, all the more so because he didn't start out that way. Born with only two of the eight testicles that he would possess by the end of his life, Roosevelt spent his early childhood as an asthmatic nerd, but through a strict exercise regimen and sheer force of testostotastic will, he managed to grow up into one mean rough-riding, trust-busting son-of-a-bitch.

world to possibly end on weds:
don't get it wrong, boffins!
pros: i don't have to turn up to work on thurs
cons: i haven't made it with gym girl (yet)

Open Solaris OS:

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Sunday, September 07, 2008

⇒ tv, tech

Wii helix game. How would one play this without looking like a tool? Don't? | Ziggurat Pyramid project | Google AdWord changes | history of game dev in oz | the problem with all final fantasy games: long, drawn out battles. It feels like you navigate menus, have some random encounters and grind out a battle with 'boss' types...suck |

gesture controlled TV | new BRAVIA line from SONY | Panasonic LCDs | new Sharp TV tech | Sony's 200 and 240Hz motionflow tech. May I suggest HD rollercoaster vids? | Philips' really thin LCDs and sets | Samsung's HDTV offerings | Panasonic's behemoth Plasma | Canon's new DSLR EOS 50D and 1000D |

Guillermo Del Toro talks gaming, hearts Ico, Shadow of Colossus | PS3 SKU madness!. Another reason Wii sells well is because there's no guesswork in buying it. You simply buy the lone SKU with bundled game and off you go! M$ and Sony need to learn from this! | Reformat the Planet. The Gameboy's legacy lives on! | Heavy Rain PS3. I'll keep an eye on that | PS3 vs XBX360 | Samsung omnia unboxing:

you need to watch this.
new Resident Evil 5 trailer

Donkey Kong Jenga

Weight watchers is like an RPG. Suppose Subway is +3 health, -7 money? | Braid papercraft | changes to Movable Type | heat-harnessing nano-antennae | touch sight camera | NVIDIA's crazy $10K graphics card | Awful film fights |

Macross PSP game on the way...can we have it as a PS3 game? | secret books of game design

about work: the 2 n00bs who want to make a name for themselves making 'radical' changes? PWNED by JDB. Awesome. Someone needed to set their heads straight, and JDB's the man!

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⇒ g reader stuff

spore metareview
giant mech spider

from here | sony DSLR
Spore ads from here

Fallout 3 survival guide throwback to 50s design
teddy phone | Wipeout HD. Curious only because my family went HD back in games aren't doing it for me...I see very little innovation these days... | new game with artistry: Machinarium...haven't seen something like this since those LucasArts point and click games of yesteryear...see clip below:

Machinarium Preview from Amanita Design on Vimeo.

Wii Music Marimba...looks ok...I really feel strongly about physical feedback when doing stuff like this...air-playing just aint the same...

MAC hints: back up to UNIX a DMG folder | script to track stolen MACs | fix quicktime audio | TextMate template development

Coke bringing out soda fountains | Toshiba shows off gesture controlled TVs. Does this mean we have to 'learn' how to use it? I mean presumably, everyone knows how to push a button, why not just implement button icon and layout standards? | Double sided transparent touch display | Video game de-makes | Wireless sound. No, I don't mean radio | Dead space animated comic |

new attitude? Can be bothered!

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⇒ misery

friday: Hayley's last day at morning tea, free lunch ('gourmet' pizza). The chick serving us was nice though...'nice'.
Drinks after work...cabana bar kinda sucks, now that i think about with JDB revealed much...I wonder what he truly thinks of me. I just want his respect and acknowledgment is all...I hold him in such high regard...he's like Mr Miyagi to my Daniel-san.

friday AM: re-arranged/moved stuff around my room. Oh shiz, i didn't realize I had all this 'stuff'. Moving it around was a bad move--it was already in its most efficient configuration. Bad move further compounded by poor planning. Then laziness. So it's a slighgtly tidier (?) mess right now.

saturday: was planning on doing washing, going to the gym, etc. BUT sh!tty weather prevailed. Rained for hours on end...come on Spring, do your thing! Add to that, the late friday finish and I'm in no condition for gymtime.

saturday AM: watched some movies (Zathura ok--what i caught anyways, but jeebus, Mummy Returns is a steaming turdpile!). Stumbled across US Open mens' semifinals. I knew the US Open was on but didn't realize channel 9 would be broadcasting it. Federer triumphed over Djokovic, 3 sets to 1. Nadal in trouble against Murray (2 sets to love, Nadal leading 3rd set). Their play is suspended.

sunday: didn't get enough sleep, owing to tennis, so I'm here at home...lazing. It's not raining but it's friggin' cold and aunt not well. Hope she recovers.

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