supplementary notes

for my benefit

Friday, December 12, 2008

⇒ engadgets

exciting mind-reading developments by the japs

jumbo nVidia video card

japanese floor harnesses pedestrian power

laser assisted pool--isn't that part of the skill of the game?

i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it!

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⇒ matched records?

matched previous running bests today...might've had something to do with my competitive streak: 2 other ppl were running as well. They started roughly when I did and were keeping similar pace with me, so I wanted to outlast them.

Notched up 1.0 KM in 7'00",
onto 1.6 KM in 10'00",
onto 2.0 KM in 13'30",
onto 2.9 KM in 19'00",
onto 3.2 KM in 21'00".
total of 248 KCALs

Ran for 18 of those 21 minutes. There was a 2' ease-off around the 10'00" mark and a 1'00" cooldown at 20'00". I feel pretty good about's on par with 2003 running performance (which is great, for me, a lazy desk jockey).

Benched 12x60 = 720, which is also a new best.
I didn't intend to exercise much due to cold-ish, rainy, overcast weather - think of the injuries!

visits since 21st sept '08: 37
#visits per mth: 14 | 12 | 11
3 mth ave: 12.33
ave cost per visit: $4.86

gym membership days remaining: 9
year 2008 days remaining: 18
days til christmas: 12

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

⇒ campaign monitor

google zeitgeist
Campaign Monitor forums as a place to find work
Campaign Monitor forums as a place to find work
Getting through the Postini filter
Emails and web applications
the pearls: So some quick tips on application driven emails:

  • Make the email as useful as possible: Can you get enough into the email so that reading it is enough, and no click is needed?

  • Make your links as specific as possible: If you do need a link, make sure that the one click gets your reader right to where they need to be.

  • Simplify as much as possible: Pull out unnecessary elements from your email. That may mean less design elements, shorter sentences or less copy.

Campaign monitor gallery
Australian research shows email still dominates
Quick tip: Know your anti-spam laws
Smarter newsletters with targeted content
Jakob Nielsen: “Email is a user interface”

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⇒ fonts

Chicago | Pete Cetera | Espy Sans | Podium Sans | Myriad | Charcoal | Apple typography | Lucida Grande

Note: Pete Cetera is not a font...I was thinking about 'Chicago' (the font) and wound up on his wiki entry

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

⇒ if you leave me now

American Airlines getting in on that cellphone boarding pass fad
summary: AA allowing vCodes as boarding passes

summary:Fujitsu development enables real-time wraparound vehicle view

summary:MacBook innards crammed into makeshift mini Mac Pro tower

ooh-ooh-oooooh no baby please don't go

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Tuesday, December 09, 2008

⇒ starred RSS

Samsung's flexible display | Zero-lag phone cam | Tech shoulder holster. Always wanted one | Escape alarm clock | Searaser floating pump will use the ocean's waves to generate power | Fujifilm's 3D camera gets the hands-on treatment


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⇒ M A K E things

Wiki arduino
fully assembled mini arduino

DIY Nixie clock

Furoshiki-the art of cloth folding

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⇒ tues 09 dec 08

the future! Actually, I see it as a good divvy between flexible/foldable displays and mini-proejectors...basically stuff that doesn't eat up space

USB hand warmers, in warm, fuzzy bear rendition


year 2008 days remaining: 22
days til christmas: 16

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Monday, December 08, 2008

⇒ tech news roundup

Keyhole Surgery: Because You're Bored

ITRI's folding TFT-EPD display: ready for smartphones next year

Production Fisker Karma gets revealed, shakes that sexy thang

Microscopic wheel will spin straight to your heart, literally

Mad Catz Street Fighter IV joysticks surface for PS3

Intel's Core i7 Extreme Edition 965 overclocked to 5.5GHz

Optibike's OB1 hybrid electric mountain bike: yours for a cool $13,000

Fedora 10 live

TrueMotion 3D enables true motion control

Brando offers up laptop cooling pad with built-in hard drive dock

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⇒ mon 08 dec 08

the significance of each image becomes clear after clicking:

more here
. I like the connection between box and idea, but gimmick wears off quickly.

. Business card with moving gears? You bet! A second type here

need i remind you it's christmas time? Legit reasons to get drunk and rowdy in a santa getup.

Occulus yacht | Mickey D's merchandise | Some tetris merch | Ben Templesmith commissions | Nick Carver's doodledump | Martin Ontiveros. Cool stuff; he has an inclination to rainbow-colored rock spectacles...less gay than it sounds | Rudolph the reindeer papercraft. More here |

mostly via Superpunch or starred RSS. I cannot get over Superpunch's excellence...if Superpunch took up ranting, I might as well quit.

I know not, for I am not

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⇒ sunday 07 dec 2008

been keeping myself busy these weekends, running around to inspections.

Squeezed in a merciless gym sess, cause i know i wont make it on mon and tues (got after-work appointments)

5.0km in 34'50" (4.0km in under 28'00 = NEW RECORD!)
380 KCALs

visits since 21st sept '08: 36
#visits per mth: 14 | 12 | 10
3 mth ave: 12
ave cost per visit: $5.00

all right, enough! this is eating away at me and pissing me off! you wanna know something about your 'employee of the year'? the reasons he stays back are because he's consistently late AND because he's working on non-company projects during company time, hence he takes longer to do things. There I said it. Eat shit and die, dumb m#thaf#ckas.

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Sunday, December 07, 2008

⇒ collected thoughts on a busy weekend

professionally, i need to aim higher. Am I a job-snob? Possibly, but only because I didn't suffer thru 20 years of education to work with know-nothing assholes like this...then get sidelined and overruled by a jackass. I'm better than you. I'm way more valuable, you just don't know it yet, and I'll show you!

i don't know if it's love or an infatuation but i do know that if i talk to you, i'll blurt out 'i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you...'
i can't help're the one i think i want.
be still, my heart...

and so i go to the dark place

playing 'the game'...kissing ass, taking orders, mingling...basically selling your dignity/soul for just a little headway in a dead-end job...whatevs.

office christmas party: was very amused by those that got a little (read: way too much) wino and went wino...saying some random stuff, making an even bigger jackass of themselves (is that possible?). Anyways, here's what i drank:
1 x Orange Juice
1 x Pure Blonde
1 x Water
1 x Cola
1 x White Wine
1 x Water
1 x Orange Juice
1 x Water

5.0km in 38'15", 360 KCALs. Hit 4.0km in 30' but struggled after that--I got almost no feeling below the knee. Oh well, at least I made 5k today...rarely get time to do that these days.
28 x 40 = 1120

visits since 21st sept '08: 35
#visits per mth: 14 | 12 | 9
3 mth ave: 11.66
ave cost per visit: $5.14

this is growing up--putting aside my childhood dreams and man-ing up to suffer for the family i will one day have.

zig-zagging across sydney in search of 'affordable housing' on a sweltering-hot day

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