supplementary notes

for my benefit

Saturday, May 05, 2007

final iron man costume designed by Stan Winston! Yowza!

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⇒ graduation day!

Finally graduated! Many doubted me (I even doubted myself) but in the end, I pulled through somehow...It's all over with now.

Many wanted this to be a big occasion, make a big deal out of it and fuss over everything but I just wanted it over. Uni hasn't been great for me--there have been many great times but alot of bad times too. Now it doesn't seem to matter anymore at all.

I did do some things to make the day special. My sister got me some cool mementos (Plato, the graduation tiger, a personal card, some frames with images) and took a lot of photos. We all went to dinner someplace moderately fancy after to top it off. Everything went just right. I do feel ready to leave Uni now. A sense of completion has overtaken me.

Now my goal is to go big. The scale and scope of my goals is to larger than possibly Sydney has to offer. I'll wait and see though. I must try to be patient--I've got plenty of time.


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Friday, May 04, 2007

⇒ spidey 3...the end!


saw Spidey 3 last nite...was too tired to blog right away...pretty good...a lot of very dramatic developments...I think this was spidey's most personal battle--almost everything important to him in his life was riding on the outcome of the final battle. Only Aunt May was safe in this movie--there was no threat to her at any point in the movie.

There was a lot of complexity too--especially with Harry Osborne. By the end (before the conclusion), you are torn inside with mixed feelings towards Harry. Overall, I thought the movie was too full--the Eddie Brock/Venom part happened too quick--that's one of my biggest gripes with the Venom character--that and suddenly getting ALL of Spidey's powers. And his relationship with MJ took a battering. Their feelings for each other were so complex, that while saving her was not in doubt, they really had trouble forgiving each other (and Spidey forgiving himself).

These lines were not spoken in this movie but the still resonate with it:
With great power comes great responsibility

Sometimes, to do what is right, we have to give up the things we want the most--even our dreams

We have to forgive each other, or everything we ever were will mean nothing

I thoroughly enjoyed the battles (and there were many):
New Goblin/Peter
Black Spidey/Sandy
Bad Pete/New Goblin
Bad Pete roughing up Goons & Brock
Sandy/Venom (more of a scuffle)
Peter & Harry/Venom & Sandy (big battle)

An overwhelming sadness enveloped me at the end. Not only was it possibly the last (likely the last Spidey with a Maguire, Raimi, Dunst & Franco collaboration--though probably not the last Spidey--Sony's gonna milk this franchise til it bleeds) Spidey movie. It's just like the way I felt when Star Wars Episode 3's credits ran. A bit of denial ("no, this can't be the end!"). I need something worthwhile to look forward to. It's difficult to describe my exact feelings.

In the end, I did enjoy the movie. Overall not as large an improvement on Spidey 2 as Spidey 2 was on Spidey 1. But still good.

I dunno, strange, complex feelings inside me. I need more time to conclude my comments and right now I'm swamped with my graduation and assignments and work.

I'll get back to you later.

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Monday, April 30, 2007

⇒ headlines n sh!t

something you can do when bored and with macbook pro | zombies | how exactly do WoW gold farmers' kids tell the other schoolkids what their mommy or daddy does for a living? My daddy harvests virtual gold and sells it for a profit. Where's the honor (f#ck honor, where's the meaning?!?) in that?!?!

Know sh!t from shinola|shynola. Very important difference | That Ismael book. Is it just me or does anything ending in "-ael" sound Biblical? Sammael, Raphael, Michael...ok I've run out of examples...

DMC4 pics. Whatever did happen to MvC3? | Ambient visualization on cupboards. Not a bad idea... | iArtifact earrings | Cubic sound pillow | Guide to buying a HDTV | Natural language color editing by Xerox. Now what kind of orange would that be? Orange orange? Or orange orange? | Making your fortune in gadgetry | Cans recycled into solar heater | Steampunk hardware | Suitcase bike. Didn't I see this 15 years ago in a Jackie Chan movie? |

places i was deciding to eat at for graduation celebration: eastern (mostly richie-footy-sporty-types | banks thai | oscillate wildly | tetsuya's. waaaaaaay too expensive! | palace chinese |
settled on kam fook. It's Chinese. It's classy. It's casual-ish.

spidey 3 clips

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Sunday, April 29, 2007

⇒ brought it!

gymmed today. I overslept so I missed squash, so I made up for it by going hard at the gym. I didn't think I'd go hard but i did.

Did 8' of continuous running at 10.2 speed on treaddy--definitely a PB. Managed to clock up 1.38km in that time too. Overall, did 2.8km in 20' which is pretty good. Overall happy with performance on treaddy today. Totalled 200+ KCals

Did cycling--totalled 11.XXkm and over 100 KCals. Not bad. Did a set of everything else, because I'm tight on time these days. I also went for a swim, not my best tho, barely managed a 3/4 lap of the pool. It must have been all the cardio and weights beforehand. Yeah, that's it.

3DMP project finally selected: I'm gonna (attempt to) model a photo-realistic scene of my bathroom sink. It's horribly stained and pre-loved but darn it, it's home. I have no idea how I'm going to model the mould/moisture but I hope this will come up in later weeks.

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