supplementary notes

for my benefit

Friday, May 02, 2008

⇒ adventure, excitement

what a week it's been!
PwC called back...I'm through to stage 4, which is really a formality at this point, I mean, how badly could I f#ck it up from here? In one-on-one interviews, in that suit, I'm like gold. I got a two hour meet on Monday morning...shiiiiiiiiiiiii...

Meanwhile the IBM meet was interesting...a real pretty girl worked there but I don't remember her name (damn it all to hell! It's no use!) Anyhoo, I think I nailed the face-to-face interview (as usual). A mix of communication, cloth and humor won the day--even though I arrived late. Nice offices, kinda lame workstations...They'll be in contact Monday...

Jumped through a few more hoops for PwC (104 question 'personality test'--wtf?!?!) and about 50 q's for Aristocrat...qualitative sh!t...whatever...too many companies outsource their recruitment and I'm hip to their game now...I know the answers they want...

At this point, I know it seems like I'm jerking work around, but really, what would you do if PwC and IBM were calling you, telling you they were impressed, even from group-interview perspective? (Really? Oh my goodness, did I do that?)

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Thursday, May 01, 2008

⇒ turmoil

i missed the call back from PwC at 2030-ish!

I called back the number, not realizing who it was and was almost too casual! Anyhoo, I guess I have to seriously reconsider this whole PwC thing because someone upstairs likes me!

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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

⇒ bigger, corporate

Macq. bank: 7
PwC: 25
IBM: 98.8

Oh sh!t...meeting them on Friday...I hope it's just a formality and they put something on the table fast...I mean, I did reschedule with them 4 times!

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

⇒ sunny, but cold

today, chronologically:
6-something: woke up, shower, breakfast (cereal, juice)
7-something: get dressed, get to PwC HQ
8-something: begin 'Insight & Conquest' session
12-ish: finish 'Insight & Conquest' session

2-ish: home with Pad Thai
3-ish: gymmed hard. 20' run, 20' bike, no swim (possibly too cold, risk to health).
run til it REALLY hurt (not sick but health not 100%). totalled 300 KCALs
Did 150+ reps of weights (min. 30 kg), which is alot for me
27 visits left

5-ish: home and finish off Pad Thai.

about the PwC thing-to all ppl in accounting/finance/commerce to applied: HA! In yo face! IN YO FACE! I've just proven what sham degrees you all got, cause I made it this far without having done maths or commerce for up to 9 years! Either that or I'm f#cken brilliant. Win-win for me!

But seriously, I think I'll keep my day job. I'm mostly happy where I am (socials suck, tho), but the work is ok, the pace is relaxing and the money's about the same-ish. It's more that I want to do it than anything else.

For the record: I'm applying to all these big corporate entities and such for one main reason: to prove that I'm not a loser (like you all thought I was just a few weeks ago--don't lie, I know you did!). If made an offer, I get to thumb my nose at them and reject their ass. Unless they offer me alot of moolah.

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Sunday, April 27, 2008

⇒ cracked me up

from here: continues its run of awesomeness:
This article encapsulates my sentiments about Juno pretty well.

choice excerpts:
If you ask us, there aren't enough games set in the early '70s, an era when the streets were full of huge cars and pimps, when everybody smoked and cops carried huge revolvers that could kill you from the sound alone
If they want Eastwood to do the voice, they need to get on that because the man just turned 136.

The Diablo series is what happens when you let red-blooded, meat-eating Americans make a role-playing game. Gone are the androgynous heroes, talking raccoons and quests that revolve around retrieving used panties you find in Japanese RPGs, replaced instead with demon killing. Lots and lots demon killing.

For some unknown reason, tradition states that the first movie must consist largely of something no one in the audience paid to see: The superhero as he lived before he could do any cool superhero stuff.

Other genres don't feel the need to do this; Die Hard didn't spend the first half of the movie with John McClane taking target practice, Rambo didn't spend an hour showing Rambo in basic training. Why can't we just jump in?

For instance in Superman II, a Superman who is desperate to get into Margot Kidder's pants reveals his secret identity, undergoes possibly permanent genetic damage by using radiation to get rid of his powers, walks from the North Pole to Alaska, and gets a good beating along the way. Hope she was worth it, dude.

Michael Keaton, also in an effort to get into somebody's pants, reveals his secret identity in Batman Returns to his girlfriend and the Penguin, also revealing a previously unknown fact about Batman: his mask is made out of Fruit Roll-Ups.

forgot to mention: 28 gym visits left.

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⇒ pain

i gymmed until it hurt today. Literally. See I woke up sore, but the weather was so inviting, I had to go buff up. Getting there, I decided to reverse the exercise order and do the bike first, run second. BIG MISTAKE. Back and legs hurt during the run (but I did accomplish my targets, 20' on bike, 20' on treaddy).

Did some high-rep weights around it. Swim too. I'm finding that there exists a direct correlation between my state of physical wellbeing and my level of career advancement. True story.

Gym visits have been consistent, but my diet has not. These days, I'm sweating potato chips and sugar water. Must control my diet better. Resist temptations.

For the record, let it be known that Wellbeing town hall, a health food takeout chain near Town Hall station, was replaced by Krispy Kreme. Just goes to show, people really don't give a sh!t about the fast food they consume, as long as it's fast and satisfying.

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