supplementary notes

for my benefit

Saturday, May 24, 2008

⇒ more jones-y-ing

More things which hurt Indy 4: Expectations (about 18 years worth).
Here are some opinions I've come across which I wholly or partially agree with:
  • Lucas is some kind of cancer to his own creations - it was like the film took the occasional pause for Lucas to yank his pants down and take a steaming dump on everyone with obvious cute toy endorsements (CGI gophers, CGI monkeys, CGI ants, etc etc etc) and then Speilberg had to work overtime to catch up. Had some of the obvious compromise between Speilberg's "old" methods and Lucas' desire to CGI the whole thing up a zillion notches been left to simply just Speilberg's approach, it might have worked... but it just seems like Lucas is more interested in advertising merch and what graphics LucasFilm can do for your film
  • It did entertain and had some of the old Indy magic in places, which I think is 100% Steven and 0% George
  • LUCAS is a giant douchebag with awful ideas, in regards to story & character development.... His contributions to the advancement of film special effects are admirable enough, yet everything he's put his name on over the past 20 years has been unwatchabe garbage....
  • I agree - this was a LONG time to wait for a very mediocre movie. Lucas ruined the Star Wars franchise for the sake of impressing us with the CGI technology and it's happened again. The effects were good, but for the most part VERY improbable. With the boy being an instant expert on vine swinging (able to move faster than racing cars!) to immediately having monkeys fight with him, my son and I were laughing out loud by the time of the third waterfall.
  • He (Lucas) rapes his old movies for as much money he can get out of them. Re-releasing films with minor changes so that his fanboys will buy yet another set of Star Wars.
  • Indiana Jones just didn't live up to what it was supposed to have been, or even what it could have been. If this was the best that they could do, then I think that they need to quit while they're at it.
  • Basically the films not that good and although some effects are quite good but some are poor, B movie poor. I was disappointed I thought that this would be the best film of the year but, in my opinion it’s only a 5 / 10
  • "It's brilliant to blame Lucas for this. He spends a total of 2 weeks on this film." He can destroy an entire movie in a single afternoon if he makes executive level "creative decisions."
  • Its not awful; it is watchable.
  • Harrison Ford's performance was okay, but unfortunately he had an awful script to work with. It seems as if Steven Spielberg and George Lucas have lost the touch that made them great film makers. It's just a shame that like Star Wars, they had to go back and ruin an exellent series of films.
  • left me wondering who i was and where the hell i had been for the last 2 hours...LOL not really but I was wondering why the hell i just spent money on a film that had gained respect and , in so doing used that as a fan base and cash cow for this film, only to dissapoint and sell out to kids and teenyboppers with cooky ice age giggle factor tactics...ill stick with the first three, this one may take a while to digest.
  • whatever happened to Indy shooting a guy, or having a girl get caught in a basket, or whatever for comic relief? Again the movie-makers getting lazy.
  • swinging? Again, wondering what they CAN do and not thinking if they SHOULD do. CG or not, the idea was stupid
  • I think the Crystal Skull was a bad artifact? They should probably shoot for something more interesting. The entire movie I didn't care about this Crystal skull, and I never really understood exactly what the Commies would do with it anyway. They could have tried something more recognizable I think, Noahs Ark, the Bermuda Triangle, the tower of babel etc
  • they should have just kept to their original methods and the original Indy feel
  • Worst Indy movie ever.So freaking disappointing... I'm so mad that it SUCKED HARD CORE. I love Indiana Jones and Usually Lucas... but this is pushing it... he's begging for millions of angry hate letters and a Punch in the junk if he thinks he can get away with Star Wars 1 & 2 and then Indy 4
  • This was basically The Mummy...only worse, if you can image more overacting, forgotten plot points, Character accents going in and out... I was So hoping and thinking I was going to enjoy it... Pissed me off.
  • even given temple of doom's parachuting rubber raft, the waterfall sequence was just over the top. and the tarzan bit. and the monkey's. and the mutt/spalko sword fight (with a couple exceptions, the duels and chases in the previous 3 came off as though, with some luck and determination on the parts of those involved, they could actually take place in the "real world"; no so much in indy 4) and, yes, even the refrigerator.
  • the whole thing was just a bit flat

CG bad...they were of such inferior quality in comparison to Jurassic Park, which came out 15 years ago!

Cate Blanchett, while talented, has yet to nail a 'character', in that she hasn't really made a villain vile or detestable enough for me happily see her get comeuppance. I simply didn't care anymore. She's more of an annoyance/slight hindrance than anything else.

Seriously, I think George Lucas is 20-30 years long-gone. The only reasons the new Star Wars films were bankable were because of Nostalgia, lightsabers, special effects+low attention spans, and marketing/merchandise.

for the record, I like Temple of Doom. The squirmish-ness (banquet anyone?) and squeamish-ness (bugs) were fun for me.

Now I'm gonna go watch that South Park episode parodying Raiders...clear up my frustration with Indy 4

One more thing:

wait, wha?

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