supplementary notes

for my benefit

Sunday, September 10, 2006

⇒ i %E2%99%A5 free time!

i %E2%99%A5 huckabees aka 'I (heart) Huckabees'--a very strange but funny film asking the question: 'what is this?'. highly recommended, i dig its quirkiness. we are all interconnected and the same, yet different. if only...

editing the film's visuals with 3 macs..."(the) three young men created all of the film's visual effects on just three Macintosh G5 computers loaded with Adobe After Effects software..."

another brilliant pic about normal life--what's eating gilbert grape? a great pic, lot of characters with depth...DiCaprio was robbed of an Oscar here, just like Ed Norton was robbed twice for Primal Fear and American History X.

i must watch this film: the Seventh Seal. A knight returning home from the crusades encounters an embodiment of Death and challenges (is challenged?) to a game of Chess.

another great pic, Gattaca--uplifting and depressing at the same time...a great story with interesting ideas about the future. Michael Nyman's score is excellent-it's definetly one of my favourits...strangely about the future, the navigators (astronauts) all travel into space in business suits yet they are set to explore an uninhabited moon...don'tcha think they should bring some protective gear just in case?

that's not the sony way--LOL

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stay sharp...only 7 weeks left...only 7 weeks left...

...all of my life, where have you been? I wonder if i'll ever see you again? And if that day comes, I know we could win. I wonder if i'll ever see you again...