supplementary notes

for my benefit

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

⇒ Marissa Mayer's Stanford talk

warning: 49" video

innovation keypoints:

  • ideas come from everywhere

  • share everything you can

  • for me, it depends on your workplace.
  • You're brilliant. We're hiring

  • i.e. surround yourself with brilliant people
  • a license to pursue dreams

  • innovation, not instant perfection

  • the key is iteration; learn from mistakes. Part of the reason I left graphic design for web design
  • data is a-political

  • creativity loves constraint

  • agreed-the point about the marked paper is excellent-I feel burdened by a
  • blank canvas and making the commitment of the first stroke.

  • users not money

  • don't kill projects. morph them.

  • take risks. Do something you're not ready to do.

  • serif or sans-serif? Serif = more readable. Sans-serif = more legible

  • a response to the 5-year question. Again, I'm in agreement, if you knew where you were going to be in 5 years, how depressing would that be?
  • competition benefits end users. "The rising tide floats all boats"

  • doing something meaningful and self-fulfilling

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